Hello Leap students,
Last week some students asked me what I usually do at weekends, so I decided to show some pictures of my Brazilians friends at my home last Sunday.
I have an amazing group of friends that I met here in Calgary. All of them arrived in Canada at the same time as me (around one year) and the majority are here to work at oil and gas companies. Some are young couples without kids and other are older with two or three kids, but all like to be toghether to party and talk (in portuguese, sorry Scott!!!). Our prefered food is barbeque, which I like to prepare, but we like very much Feijoada (a brazilian dish made with black beans and pork) and pasta. Of course, our prefered drink is Caipirinha (prepared with green lime and cachaca, which is an alcoholic spirit made from sugar cane).
Last sunday, I prepared a delicious pork and beef berbeque. The pork was prepared with back ribs seasoned with lime, garlic, black pepper and salt and it takes around 2 hours to be ready. The beef berbeque was prepared with Top Sirlon seasoned only with coarse marine salt and it takes 15 to 20 minutes to be ready. To accompany the berbecue we normally have rice, beens, salad and manioc (cassava) flour.
I started preparing the berbeque at 10:00 am. My friends started to arrive at 12:30 and around 8:00 pm we were yet having fun.
Next weekend we will meet at another friend's home to another Brazilian party, but probably we will have Feijoada. It will be great!

Hi Carlos,
PLs confess, how do you manage to be in such a good shape since you are fond of cooking and eating such delicious food. Probably the sugar cane is a key.
it is my first time to write you comments. It seems that you really like barbekus. you said that all brizilians like it too. I wonder if Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlous, kaka, and all other players know how to "barbekue".
It also seems that you have a nice house, friends, but a BAD camera :D I could see nothing it is not clear
Hi Carlos,
it sounds like you had a nice BBQ party as well as very good weekends. I once ate the BBQ of chicken which I really like very much. Also, your house is very nice.
It seems like you have some really amazing parties at your house! Maybe we should ask you to cater an end of semester party :-)
If you ever decide to cook a Barbeque for us with the brazilian style that will be a dream come true je je. Your pictures reminded me the time I went to "Tezas do Brazil", a famous brazilian restaurant in Miami, and I have to recognized that you guys really know how to prepare good beef.
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